Frequently Asked Questions..?

Kalyanrao Metal Works specializes in manufacturing and exporting twist off lug caps.

The company is located at W-30/c-1, MIDC, Badlapur, Thane, Maharashtra-421503, India.

Kalyanrao Metal Works has been in business since 1978.

Yes, Kalyanrao Metal Works is a manufacturer and exporter of twist off lug caps.

You can reach Kalyanrao Metal Works at +91 88888 95605.

You can email the company at

A twist off lug cap is a type of closure commonly used for sealing jars and bottles, particularly in the food and beverage industry.

Yes, you can visit their office at the provided address or contact them via phone or email to schedule an appointment.

For specific custom requirements, please contact Kalyanrao Metal Works directly to discuss your needs.